Be Witchy


The gallery gathers all important images related to the feminist & witch movement!

image du papa Jean 22
John XXII, the pope who issued the papal bull of 1326 to bind witches and the devil. the devil.

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image du livre malleus maleficarum
The Malleus Maleficarum "The Witches' Hammer", is a book published in 1486 to give the the coup de grâce to witches.

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image de jules michelet
Jules Michelet, author of the essay "La Sorcière", a book aimed at defending the witch in 1862.

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image des frères grimm
The Grimm brothers, known for their famous tales.

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image de margaret alice murray
Margaret Alice Murray, author of the book "The Witch-Cult in Western Europe" published in 1921.

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image gerald gardner
Gerald Gardner founder of the Wicca religious movement.

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image robin morgan
Robin Morgan co-founded the W.I.T.C.H. (Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell) movement in 1968. Hell) in 1968. She was the driving force behind the launch of the witch movement.

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image paola hivelin
Paola Hivelin is the creator of the group Gang of Witches, which takes up certain codes of the witch myth. witch myth.

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image du film the reckoning
The Reckoning, poster for the 2020 film about witches.

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image du réalisateur neil marshall
Neil Marshall, director and writer of the film The Reckoning.

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